Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Is Craiglist Really worth Advertising On ?

I have been watching the coverage of the Craigslist Killer. If you didn't get a chance to follow there was a guy who was 22 and he set up two dates with girls off of Craigslist who put thier ads on the Erotic Services Section. [ The same section that has led to thousands of arrests from police departments all over the country. ] Each girl was killed by him before he was caught.

What is interesting is that Craiglist is taking the " we want to help the family and am sorry for your loss route. " Which is a bunch of crock since the system has had so much media coverage for the amount of people being arrested for prostitution off the site. Now don't get me wrong.

A Hoe deserve the amount of money that they are paid. It's not easy work taking various clients, managing your advertising, answering calls, putting together pic layouts and thinking about 100 0ther things that encompass the business. So those who go into the industry most def need some pay. But I don't really believe Craigslist is the right vehicle to be advertising on.

The site gives you alot of traffic to your ad but at the same time. It also gives you alot of negative traffic from police and others that want to make prank videos on youtube. I do believe that if the site was owned by an African American, it would have been shut down a long time ago. But somehow they pull this first admendment bull crap meanwhile girls are getting hurt and people are getting arrested.

The obvious solution would be to close down the erotic services section but Craigslist knows that if they did that, the sites traffic would fall faster than Madoff's personal stock. See Craigslist built its reputation off of the escorts and massuers. They then used that traffic to get people to other sections of the site.

I do think that they should just close the section down because it's getting too dangersous to post there. I have even knwon gays to be arrested in north carolina because some cop watched the posting and met someone who posted that they were looking for a sexual hookup. And in NC sodomy or meeting for that purpose can wind your butt in jail.

Since we know the site isn't going to take it down then the providers need to take the extra steps to be safe. Just looking at the lady I can tell she broke the cardinal rule

#1. Never take a kid as a client.

Street girls will tell you that you leave the kids at Chuck E Cheese because they want it free or a discount. And freebies don't keep the lights on.

#2 Always have protection.

Most girls hire a homeboy that meets the guys first and frisks them before they get a chance to meet the girl. I have even known some girls that keep the protection in the next room.

I do believe that if she had someone who was in his face first. That person would have spooked him enough to leave but unfortunately we have lost two girls that were just working to stay afloat in this economy.

Is Craigslist to Blame ?

Dick Ross

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